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  • You may sort the records by clicking the Title, Author, Publisher, Published Date, and Subject Classification headings in the table.
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This list was last updated January 22, 2023.

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Subject Headings List

TitleAuthorPublisherPub DateSubject ClassificationISBN
Cheerful Hearts Are Better Than Medicine
Call Num: 170.44 BRO
Brownlow, Leroy. Brownlow Pub. Co. c1993 Christian life. -- Conduct of life. -- Happiness. 0915720078
Gives the tools and the confidence to begin the journey to a peaceful, cheerful heart.
Cheerful Hearts Are Better Than Medicine
Call Num: 170.44 BRO
Brownlow, Leroy. Brownlow Pub. Co. c1993 Christian life. -- Conduct of life. -- Happiness. 0915720078
Gives the tools and the confidence to begin the journey to a peaceful, cheerful heart.
Jesus, His Story For Children
Call Num: J 232.9 BRO
Brown, Alice.,
Kirk, Pat.,
Roby, Sue, ill.
Brownlow Pub. Co. c1986 Bible stories -- Biography -- Biography. -- Jesus Christ -- Juvenile -- literature. -- N.T. 0915720213
Retells the life of Jesus Christ, from his boyhood in Nazareth to the aftermath of his crucifixion. Includes review questions.